Tuesday, April 20, 2010

(56) Prebiotics, Probiotics, and Synbiotics, Oh My

An hour a go I didn't know the difference and now I am trying to get it all straight. Beekster eats a lot of sticks, ropes and other fibrous items as well as grass. Maxie focuses in on the grass. Now I think I know why. Beeker's poops are always hard and fibrous and Max's are always loose(sorry). Here is what I have been able to understand about the differences between Prebiotics, Probiotics, and Synbiotics.

First you are wondering why this so important. To begin, I don't remember the dogs of my childhood ever needing any of these bacterial supplements. The invention or discovery of the uses of prebiotics and probiotics must be fairly new to the pet world. You may have seen the commercials on TV for the benefits of probiotics in yogurt for people. Prebiotics and probiotics are good for humans as well as for pets(cats and dogs). My basic understanding is that within our stomach and intestines we have "good" and "bad" bacteria that work to break down food and chemicals that get into our system. Probiotics are the "good" bacteria that live in the intestines and stomach. Sometimes if we are stressed, been ill, or have taken antibiotics the "good" bacteria may have been depleted along with the "bad" bacteria in out gastrointestional tract. Probiotics replenish these "good" bacteria. You can look for these ingredients in probiotics; Lactobacacillus acidophilus, Bifido-bacterium bifidum, and Lactobacillus bulgaricus. They are the "friendly" bacteria or "flora".
Prebiotics are fiber sources. They pass through the stomach and small intestines intact but are fermented by bacteria which reside in the large intestine. Fermentation results from the action of local bacteria and provides a source of energy.Fiber is useful in that it resists being degraded by the stomach acid and the "good" bacteria ferments the fiber, and as a result grows or manufactures more "good" bacteria. Look for these ingredients in Prebiotics; Fructooligosaccharides (honest!)FOS for short. The third of the group is the Synbiotics is a combination of both prebiotics and the probiotics.

So how does this work with my dog's needs? Think of it this way. The Prebiotics are the workhorse of the system working to develop more of the "good" bacteria for the body's gastrintestional system. The probiotics work to manufacture the actual good bacterial that we have depleated through stress, illness and imbalance of the gastrointestional system. I believe they work together for greater health. Both of my dogs need the boost they need due to stress (Maxie) and poor eating habits(Beeker). I will be looking for Snybiotics at the pet food store this weekend.

On a lighter note, the picture is of Abigail the rabbit that my daughter-in-law owns. Isn't she cute?

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