Saturday, April 10, 2010

(46) Change I can live with...I think

I really have a difficult time when I have to change my plans for the day. When I got up this morning, I thought I was going to spend a full day working on a computer project. However,due to circumstances beyond my control,I wasn't able to work on the project. Therefore, I had to come up with an alternative plan. This takes a considerable amount of my energy. I tell myself that admitting that I have this issue, goes along way to dealing with the situation. Unfortunately, I still had the day to plan and it took about an hour to figure out what the best plan for my day was going to be. I decided that I should first take another walkabout in the yard. Today is much warmer than in recent days, in the low 70's and it is cool with a little breeze and lots of sunshine. Gorgeous. The fern are really showing themselves and the small hosta leaves are unfolding. I love to look for all of the new growth in the yard. Beeks acts like he is helping me but he just chews grass or practices his tracking skills. But we continue to work on recall.

I then decided that what we really needed was a couple of good garage sales. Beeks and I like to go garage sale hunting in the Spring and Summer. Heck, we like garage sales when ever we can find them. It's an inherited illness. What can I say. We drove around for a number of hours with little success. Only a few sales and no treasures. Don't these people know that when the weather turns nice we need garage sales?

The only thing to do was to come home and have some ice cream with blueberries and sit outside on the deck. I gave Beeks and Max each a chew and sat down to enjoy the day. Beeks behaves funny with his chew. Like he can't get comfortable or can't decide where he should lay down. He gets near Max, then gets up and moves to a sunny, grassy area then back near Max, then up on the deck near me, then back to the grass. This moving about continued for a good five minutes. I wish I could read what was gong on in his mind.

We are practicing our outdoor etiquette while we are out here on the deck. There are a number of teenage girls that are riding their bikes down the lane and generally making all of the happy sounds teenage girls make when they are together. This gets both dogs barking. I am trying to teach them that they get to stay outside if they look but don't bark. This is tough for all of us. Beeks is the alarm and Max is the welcoming agent. In other words, when I try to stop one from barking the other one erupts. They are both tethered and once I got them into a sit it was easier. They like to bark. They want to run and play with the girls. I am just so mean!

We have been watching Gracie and George in the mornings. One or the other continues to move about the nest, in a circle fashion. My assumption is that the nest building is still in process. We don't see them much in the afternoon, except to see them soar overhead like Jonathan Livingston Seagull.I saw the hawks flying over the woods this afternoon. Three of them. I don't know what the territorial range of hawks is, but there they were, three happy flying,cawing hawks.


  1. Juli, Thanks for commenting. As I described in a previous blog, Gracie and George are the Cooper's hawks we have living in a tree in our woods. We can watch them building their nest from our bedroom window. They are facinating to watch.

  2. So here is my next question.... Do you know which is George and which is Gracie? or do you just call the pair "George and Gracie"??????

  3. No, we don't know which is George and which is Gracie so its rather like GeorgeandGracie. Infact I saw three hawks together fying over one day so maybe...or it could have been one of the "kids" come to visit.
