Friday, April 16, 2010

(52) A Good Time was had by All

Nana is in town and I am so thankful for her and all that came with her. Brad has been on a business trip and since he was passing through Nana's town he stopped and picked her up. If you don't know who Nana is she is my mom! Nana is the best mom that a girl could ask for. She is always willing to lend a hand and she's got a wealth of practical knowledge she's willing to share. We always love having her come to visit. So do Max and Beeker. She knows how to spoil a dog as well as any grandchild. Last time she visited she taught both dogs to roll over on command. With treats of course.

This visit she loaded up Brad's rental car with fern,snowball viburnum, sage, Canaan's,Privet and two huge boxes of Pachysandra. My family is wonderful at sharing plants with us for out large yard. I own my sister and my parents a huge thanks for all the plants they have given us over the years. I'm such a plant-cutting hog. Besides a trunk of plants and bushes, she also brought sewing projects and foodstuffs to make Brad a lemon pie. Is She great or what? This morning the weather called for rain by 6AM so we got up early to start putting out plants. We had all of the fern(@16) put out by 8 and all of the Pachysandra out by 10. Then I had to get to work on the computer project and mom continued on in the yard. The rain here didn't materialize but moved south of us. We were kind of hoping that we would get some rain for the plants.
When I came down from the office, mom had the bushes and all of the Privet planted, watered and fed. Let's hope everything survives. We will be watering for the next few days. I have to say that it is beautiful to look into the woods from the back deck and see all the fern returning year after year.

Tonight we were again visited by the neighborhood little girls and their parents. The oldest girl brought her bubble machine and blew bubbles for Beeks. I don't think he could see them. We kept encouraging Beeks to run after them but he was more interested in jumping and running after the sticks the little girls were swinging aound.

The girls figured out that Chez had escaped from the house and was under our deck. When ever he would venture out, the girls would squeal with delight and he would run back under the deck for safety. The girls like Beeks and Max but they LOVE Chez. Chez is not an outdoor cat. We try to keep him inside but every so often he darts out and runs for his safety spot under the deck. A year ago he got out in December when we had one of those days where the temperature started out at 50 degrees and ended up at 10 then went down to -5. We couldn't find him and it got dark. I left food out for him and we looked and called all night but no Chez. I had given him up for dead after three weeks but Brad (who proclaims his hatred for the cat) kept checking with animal services and the local Vets office. Then one evening we got a call from a family saying they thought they had our cat under their deck. We (I) didn't think this could be possible as they lived about 4 blocks away and by now this was 3 full weeks since his hiatus. However, it was him, all crusty, 2 lbs lighter than his 8 lbs and frost bit to boot. To make a long story short, we go after him when he gets out and he tries to hide from us. So Beeks was running around the yard with the girls, chasing sticks and having a great time, The girls were dancing on the deck trying to entice Chez to come out and generally being girls in fantasy land. The adults were talking on the front drive way and Max was barking because he was tethered up. Later my neighbor went with me to pet Maxie and he settled down once he got a smell of her. That was a huge step in Max's meet and greet school. It was a great evening. Then Beeker ran past the deck and Chez bounded out from under the deck, over the hostas and toward Beeker. He was trying to play tag with Beeks! We all get excited and went toward the deck and ...Chez went back under the deck! This happened another two times. Beeks lost interested because there was more activity in the front of the yard so Chez hunkered down until we all went indoors. When Nana went inside there was Chez at the back porch door waiting to be let inside!

After Brad got home we took him outside to show him all of the planting Nana and I did today. He was so impressed! We celebrated by letting both dogs run and play off leash in the yard. As you can see by the pictures, a good time was had by all. Max was a little tired and beeks can run circles around him.
I'm exhausted too. Nana is making her lemon pie, of course. No slowing down for her!

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