Thursday, April 8, 2010

(44) It's a Vet Party

Today was a big day for Beeks. Actually it was a big day for all of us in this family. It was the annual visit to the Vet's office day. We take all of the pets to the Veterinarian's office once a year. We like to do it up big. When we lived in the Quad Cities and had two Newfoundlands and three cats we (Brad) use to take all of them to the vet's office all at once. The Office staff loved that. No really, We scheduled the whole morning and in came the whole troupe. I think the funniest part was probably seeing Brad carrying two cat carriers (two cats in one and one cat in another)and a leash with two Newfs. The office staff probably sat inside and rolled with laughter. Here in Champaign we take Beeks and Chez in and then after Chez is finished we switch him out to the car and bring Max in for his turn. Of course Beeks gets to stay in the room and suck up all the attention he can get.

We are lucky that we have had really good Veterinarians where ever we have lived. Here in Champaign we always request Dr. Hadley. She has been with us since we first moved here and had Belle and Beau, Sunshine and Paddington. Dr. Hadley is always so kind and gentle and she lavishes all of the pets with love. Even Max. Here is the thing about Mr. Max. He is always on his best behavior when we go to the Vets office. Even when they have to take him into the back room to give him lab tests or some other manipulation, he goes so willingly and he is so cooperative. An owner always wants to have their dog be on their best behavior and thank god they all love to go to see Dr. Hadley. Well, okay so Chez might say he doesn't really like going to the Dr's office but he gets through it. Usually Chez molts while he is there, leaving a white coat all over Brad, Me, and the entire exam room. He doesn't like having his ears looked at or being given shots either. The last shot that Chez received was in his hip and it was like a pop gun. Kinda like the old small pox shots we got in our arms when we were young. Well, I think the "pop" may have scared him more than the actual pain of the shot but he let out a his heard a mile away. It's a good thing that the vet tech and Dr. Hadley are really good at their jobs cuz Chez was not happy.

Beeker loves going to the Vet. He gets so much lovey attention and Dr. Hadley is always so complimentary to him. Beeks just moves right in and noses his way into getting strokes and hugs. Check out the picture above. Is that a happy dog or what? I asked her about brushing Beeks teeth and she gave me some good tips on how to gently introduce brushing and the paste to him. We also talked about brushing Chez's teeth, but I'm thinking Beeker will be easier than Chez. She also gave us some tips on how to keep Beeker away from being interested in Max's doot. Cayenne pepper sprinkled on top to discourage Beeks from being interested. Dr. Hadley always send the pets off with little love notes too. On their exam reports she says kind things to them so that they know she really does care for them too. Even Chez... notes like"I'll miss you Chez","Max looks Wonderful", and "Have fun brushing those teeth". What a great Doctor.

After such an exhausting afternoon it was time for a walk and we all loved the exercise. Beeks wanted to run but I wanted him to practice his heeling skills, so guess who won that battle? He practiced his heeling on the walk and then when we got home he sat (on his own)in the driveway so I let him off lead and let him run. He did, he ran and ran and ran. Yep, two times around the house, around Max, wrestled with Max then ran around the house and then he was GONE! I called and called him and up he popped from the woods and ran over to our neighbor's house, around their yard and right to me, smiling like "here I am, wasn't that great?" He was soaked from running in the creek and he was in heaven. I have him drying out in the laundry room before I brush him and try to clean him up.

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