Friday, March 19, 2010

There's Sickness in the House(24)

Beeks is sick today. I was welcomed home from work with the smell of it. Luckily (for me, not for the dogs) both dogs were gated in the laundry/mud room. This meant that at least the diarrhea was contained to a small area and not all over my house. The dogs fortunately did not step in it, but unfortunately it was all over the carpet scrap we use for a rug and the gate. I cleaned it up, threw away the carpet, cleaned the floor(thank god my mother introduced me to wet Swiffers)and then let the dogs outside. Thinking that we were no worse for the wear, I opened the doors and windows to get a breeze for cross ventilation. It's not fun to have a sick pet. Especially when I'm not sure of the cause. Sometimes its just his system, he gets excited or over exercised and he has loose stools. He didn't behave like he was ill. He was active and excited to see me and to go out side. My neighbor, asked me to go for a walk this afternoon, so I took Beeks along. He was his same active self during the walk and yet he had another loose stool, very loose. So here's the question. How to deal with a sick dog. First I noticed that he was still wagging his tail and he was still trying to play with Max. These are good signs. But why is he sick? Could it be something he ate? Could it be the stagnate puddle he drank out of and got wet in at the Lake of the Woods prairie? Could it be the puppy chow that I out in his Big Buddy Bottle toy? Could it be the many homemade dog treats I made and gave him yesterday? Could it be the locust bean pods that he loves to eat when he is outside? Or the walnuts he loves to chew? Or the string from the rope he like to devour? And the list could go on and on. I could (and usually do) make my self crazy with thinking up the possibilities. I know dogs can get the flu as well as people. So, I could take him to the weekend emergency Vet to have them run tests and see if they can tell what is wrong with my Beekie(see previous blog reference to drooling Vet visit). But here is my reality check... I will wait to see what happens in the next day or so. I assume he is just like most other dogs that eat everything(albeit the cutest). He will get whatever is bothering his stomach out of his system and he will be just fine. I will forgo the extra treats and just give him his dinner for a few days and I will watch his behavior/energy level. I noticed he is drinking more water and I assume it is because he is dehydrated. I hope my Precious will be better by morning. And like a good dog mom, I will be watching closely.

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