Sunday, March 28, 2010

(33) Sweet Dreams

Beeks is sleeping right now. He's had a day full of travel and he's happy to be home in the comfort of his own worn out rug. How do I know? He's running. Yep, he's running in his sleep and his paws are flexing and contracting in the way that animals do when they're running. He makes a noise that sounds like whimpering or yipping. I wonder what dogs dream? Does he dream of things he's already done? Dream about friends he's met? Does he dream of fields and forests full of squirrels and bunnies? Shallow streams to cool his hot panting body? Or does he dream of frightful times, imaginary encounters with larger animals? Of sweet grasses and pungent rodents? Can a dog dream of loneliness? Does he dream of Joy? I know that sometimes Beeks sleeps so close to consciousness that any sound or movement wakes him. Other times he sleeps soundly I'm unable to disturb his slumber,he's heavy with exhaustion. These are the times that Beeker's body takes over and quivers with movement. At first I thought he might have Epilepsy. The bed shakes with his dreams. Placing my hand on his side will calm him as he continues to sleep.

Yesterday evening we gathered a few belongings and drove to my parents in the next state over. The dogs get excited when they can tell that a road trip is being prepared. Max will not let Brad out of his sight. Beeks dons a perfect heel. So we left and drove the 150 miles to spend the night with my folks. They love the "granddogs". My dogs know the routine at Nana and Papa's so when we approach their home they start whimpering. It starts to rise and gets increasingly louder with one dog encouraging the other's lament. It's dark when we arrive so how do they know where we are?

This morning we have an early lunch date with our daughter in law so we decide to take the dogs to our favorite dog park before hand. We get in touch with my sister who meets us with her Springer Spaniel, Jessie James. He's a energetic dog that got his name due to his stealth ability to run and escape capture when Juli first adopted him. Beeks and Max are part of his posse. They love playing together and the dog park is a great place to "run like the wind". Beeks loves the freedom that he is afforded when we are at the dog park. He meets and greets lots of different dogs. I like the socialization that he gets with other dogs and owners. Meeting others off leash is a great way to learn dog manners. Max is pretty good at this, however he sometimes tries to come to Beeker's rescue if Beeks and another dog are having a roaring good time. Then Beeks occasionally gets too zealous and forgets his social graces. We're keenly observant to remind him when its time to "chill".

It was a big day, with lots of novel people, smells, and dog friends. Mental stimulation for both dogs and people. We had a great time and are happy to be home. We love little road trips and always find excitement along the way, but it can tire you out. Time for bed. Sweet Dreams.

1 comment:

  1. Today it was especially fun to watch Max at the dog park. He ran and played with dogs, large and small, and able to get right in the middle of all the action with great success. I was so proud of him, weren't you?
