Saturday, March 20, 2010

Dog Day Afternoon(25)

Today was one of those days. Those lazy cold, dreary days when I don't want to do anything but go back to bed. A slow grey damp day. Thing is, I had a computer project that I needed to get started and I needed to get up to take Brad to work. So, I took Beeks with me so he could get some kind of personal time. I knew I would have to ignore him most of the day. He was pretty good about letting me work without interrupting me. Beeks has his favorite place to lay while I am working in the computer room, it is just outside the door so that his back is against the wall and he can see hear all that I am doing. He can see if I leave to go back down stairs and he can see anything that might be happening down stairs. He did very good at leaving me alone until about noon, when he just needed some attention. That's when he needed my attention so bad that he flipped my left arm with his nose while I typed. Over and over until I told him "No" or "Go find Max", or "Where's your bone"? Okay, that's when I got to a stopping point and took a break to eat lunch and put the dogs out. Give them a little attention and we are good to go. We have to get use to this schedule because for most of the next month or so, I will be working from home and will need to keep to an eight hour schedule. It's fortunate for the dogs that they will not have to be cooped up in the laundry room but unfortunate that I will not be interacting with them like they want. Usually when I am in the computer room/office, Beeks just lays down and chews various toys from his collection. That or, he just curls up like I explained earlier. Sometimes however, he plays with Chez. This usually happens when I am on the computer or working a paper project and am busy. I think Chez and Beeks like to play together upstairs because there they can play without Max interfering or trying to referee.
I've mentioned Chez before but I haven't described him. He's a Siamese Red Point mix. Which means that he has the blue eyes if the Siamese and is extremely social. He has red tipping on his ears and red rings on his tail. You can see him in the pictures I have included.

So, how does a 10 lb cat and a 60 lb dog play you might ask? Let me try to explain. Beeks and Chez don't know they aren't the same species. Beeks plays with Chez the same way he plays with Max. He bows, he tries to bite Chez's neck and his tail. He tries to stalk, and he pounces at him. Okay, that's pretty simple but the really funny part is that Chez will arch his back, and he will crouch down like he is stalking Beeks. He will wrestle with him and let Beeks roll him over on his back. It is fun to see the cat chase and attack Beeks. They don't hiss or growl at each other which tells me they are playing. It goes both ways. One is the attacker and then they switch rolls and the other is the attacker. It is really nice to see they can play with mutual respect. They let each other know when they have had enough, just like Max and Beeker do.


  1. Chez looks stoned. That's hilarious that he lets Beaker roll him over- I've never seen that!
