Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Dominance (7)

I've been thinking about Beeker's relationship to Max. We resuced Max, brought him into our family during the last year with our 2 previous faithful Newfoundland Dogs lives. Max's energy level juxed apposed the energy of the old dogs. He also used his strength to dominate the other dogs. I have to say that although Belle (female Lanseer Newf)was ill with bone cancer, she did try to assert her place as queen of the pack. Max was brutal. When ever we saw him trying to turf with her we stopped him, but we also knew that many animal species use this aggression to establish the pack leader/alpha role. I've listened to Cesar Milan say there can only be one leader and dogs don't care who it is, they just want to know who is in control. I have to say that we knew that Beau (the male Newf) was not going to be in contention. He was always the follower. Belle had always been the one to tell Beau what to do. Now with Max, she was trying to let him know her status. Unfortunately, she did not have the strength or energy to get her point across to Max. Even understanding this animal behavior, I found it difficult to watch Max dethrone Belle. Within 6 months of Max coming into our home, Belle was dead. Beau followed shortly after Belle. This was a very difficult and emotional time for all of us. Belle and Beau were the best pets a family could ever own. We still miss them.

I must say that Max has come along way in lowering his energy level since that time. With a good two years of training at Moongazer, and with maturation, he has really developed into a wonderful family dog. Although his strength can sometimes cause him grief. I don't think he realizes how big he really is.
This brings me to my original thought about dominance between Beeks and Max. I adopted Beeker about a year and a half after Max. Max weighed about his current weigh of 150 lbs at the time and Beeks(as I mentioned) weighed about 20lbs. From the start, Beeker would nip at Max's ankles, and especially his tail. There was a time when Max was missing some of the hair from his tail because Beeker was pulling it out. A cattle dog's instincts tell it to herd other animals and so I believe that Beeks was exhibiting his natural behaviors. Beeks is a player! He will engage with Chez (Chez will play back too)but mostly Beeks will engage with Max. All the time. Beeks will bow to Max (meaning will you play with me?)or dangle a toy in Max'w face. Anything to initiate play. If Max is walking, Beeks will nip at his heels, pull his tail. I'm thinking this is just like the little brother bothering his older brother. The thing is, Max does not growl or stop Beeks from doing this. Given Max's weight and proven tenacity he certianly could. Beeks seems to get his way all the time with Max. On the other hand, Max is the one that decides when and how much play they will do. I have also seen other behaviors that make me question who is more dominate. Max does't seem as concerned with what Beeker does, as Beeker is always concerned with what Max is doing. When I have Beeks on the bed and then invite Max up, Beeks gets skiddish, he sometimes jumps down. Although Max will not usually take a chew toy away from Beeker (not really a chewing dog as much as a soft pallet dog), Beeks will try to get toys away from Max. They will both tower over each other( understand this is a sign of dominance) and both will roll over for each other during play. I see Beeker lick Max, but not the other way around. I have also seen Beeker eat Max's doot, not the other way around. When I feed the dogs dinner, I have them sit first before I let them "go to it". If Beeks is the first to sit I release him to go eat. I've noticed that although he runs to start he comes back, doesn't run to his bowl like he's confused about getting to go first. Max on the other hand will not hesitate to get ot his bowl first. Lately, When I go to bring the dogs in from eating, Max is at Beeks bowl, licking it. The power humping is both ways as well.
After reading this back, I think that Max is the Alpha dog, with Beeks the follower dog who is learning. I think that Max could stop any agression he wanted and he allows Beeks to "practice" his dog behaviors. When we are at the dog park and Beeks is playing with other dogs, barking and roughhousing, Max gets involved. I think he is uncomfortable with Beeks sounds, kinda like too much activity and noise. Still, Maybe Max is the submissive one, the Sancho Panza to Beeker's Don Quixote. No, Beeks is alot more like the Sancho kind of Dog. Looking for the next Max Adventure. I'm right here by ya Max!


  1. Can the book be far of? I love the daily reporting of the pups. You are so good at this blogging, keep it up.

  2. Belle & Beau were great dogs. Both lived to be 9 1/2 years old...big dogs just don't live long enough. Max has come a long way and while there is more to do, he is a fine family dog. Beeker is the most easily trained dog I've known. Belle was the smartest and Beeks may prove to be that, too. Beau, or Bobo as he was known, may have been smart and obediant but he was a born follower desperate for leadership and he looked to the human family members and Belle.
