Thursday, May 20, 2010

(86) Can't Keep a Good Dog Home

Happy Birthday Nana Banana!
It's raining again today but We went to the Community garage sales anyway. I met my friends at the local cafe for breakfast. We were able to find a booth even though the tables were mostly taken up by the farmers who weren't able to work in their fields. I love this town cafe. If you have ever been to a local,small town cafe where every one knows your name, this is just like that. Although I don't go there very often, one of my friends grew up in town and EVERYONE knows her. Going garage saleing with her was a hoot too because even though she now lives in Champaign, she still knew people at some of the homes where we stopped. That impressed me! It didn't start out raining but by 10:00 the drizzle started and then gradually got heavier. The morning sales were limited, but we were able to go to about 15 of them with limited success. My friends did find some things that they were excited about and I found a couple of drawers that I like to use for my crafts. By noon we were tired of the rain, tired of looking for sales and decided to call it quits. We did have a fun time together and I guess that it what it is really about. We found a jet ski that we decided my friend needed and so that is what the picture I have included. As we drove past my lane we decided to stop home so that we could refresh and I could show one of the gals my home(I love our home and can't resist showing off how great the woods and all of the hostas are). So Max and Beeks got introduced and with in 5 minutes Max had calmed down. He has such a hard time with Meet and Great. I had my friends do the Cesar Milan intro process...No eye contact, No touching, No talking. Max really wanted to smell them and get all of their great smells. One of my friend's has two dogs of her own and I know he wanted to get close to her. Beeks was just excited to meet new friends. Soon, I had Max in a down stay and he rolled right over for a tummy rub by my friend. Yea Max. As I said, we made it to all of the garage sales we could this morning, then parted. I got home and put my stuff away, put the dogs outside, then took a long nap! I was exhausted. Garage saleing can be so tiring. All of those decisions and locating good prospects, bartering, just tires a good woman out! When I woke up, it was just in time for the afternoon sales to start(okay they were already started but I was in time to get to them). I took Beeks with me this time and we went to so many near our subdivision that it seems like maybe I went to just as many as this morning. I tried to call my friend to see if she wanted to come back but she was otherwise engaged so It was just Beeks and me! Beeks is a great garage sale partner. He sits patiently, doesn't complain about how long I take, and likes to ride around in cars. The only issue I currently have with Beeks is that he barks when he sees another dog being walked by. I have tried to scold him, to yell at him, to swat at him(this last one is dangerous, I will admit, as since I am driving at the time). I think he feels empowered being in the car and behind a window so he barks aggressively. This isn't a "hello, I'm here in this car" kind of bark. I know he got started barking by modelling after Max but it is highly annoying. Other than that we had a great hour and a half gathering new treasures. I found another drawer for my crafts, a light for my desk, a grill basket for the grill master, and a tie out for the dogs(we use these a lot to tether them to the deck or around a tree when we travel. They are handy to have on hand). The best find for the dogs was a set of three different stuffed birds that chirp different bird songs. Max loves these little stuffed birds because they fit right in his muzzle and he uses it as a comfort item. The trouble is that after a time he starts to kill it, and chew it until he can get the chirp box out. He won't let Beeker get near these birds which is saying a lot since Beeks usually gets what Beeks wants from Maxie. Max was happy just carrying it around for about 20 minutes and then I heard the familiar sound of cloth tearing. Yep, he started to tear into the goldfinch and all of the little plastic beads came out all over the carpet! When I took it away, and put it up on the shelf he just laid down under the shelf and waited until he thought I would bring it back down to him. I think he stayed there for an hour or more. He gets so intense sometimes. Well, tonight's movie is Crazy Heart, with Jeff Bridges. I am excited to see this movie as I heard a lot of good reviews from people who saw it in theatres. I'll let you know...

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