Saturday, May 22, 2010

(88) Sunny Saturday Chores

Happy Dog Day! I hope you are able to see the video I have placed here. It is a fun, dog video and will make you want to teach your dog new tricks. Oh, take a towel.

(Cut and paste to browser.)

The birds are chirping, the sun is shinning, and its all good. This morning started out super foggy and then got increasingly sunny. As the sun broke through the fog our spirits also began to soar. We got up early and yes, I got Brad to go to garage sales with me. The trade off was that I made him his favorite breakfast cake and we only went to one of the subdevelpment community garage sales. Turns out there were four subdevelopments that were having their community garage sales today not including some area towns and villages that were having area wide sales. We ended up spending about an hour and a half walking through a neighborhood. We took the dogs with us and left them in the car with the windows rolled down. The sun didn't come out fully until just before we finished so it all worked out great(don't ask Brad). I made sure Brad had enough coffee to keep him happy and I when I thanked him for going, I distinctly heard him say that it wasn't that bad. Really! He was able to get out and walk and I didn't make him go to everyone of the sales(at this point in my life I no longer and interested in all of the baby/kid sales) so this helps. I am now interested in "old people's stuff. The big find today was a hard wood 5 foot long table with a shelf under it. It looks like it could be a sofa table. I plan on spray painting it. Like my sister taught me,"Spray paint is your friend". A fresh coat of paint improves everything.

After we finished perusing garage sales we headed to the feed store to get dog food and antlers. This time we got both dogs an antler because Max looked so sad when Beeks got one last time and we didn't get him one. Hopefully, Max will get one this time, and Beeks won't get two. The sculpture park was next on our list of weekend chores. This time we started our walk from an alternate entrance,which seemed like a brand new park adventure for the dogs. Beeks did a lot of sniffing and pulling until he got himself in the zone. Max settled right down to a good heel and just enjoyed being outside with Brad. Being a Saturday, there was a huge number of people out and a lot of activity in the park. This was good practice of self discipline for both dogs. I have to admit, they both did extremely well at looking but not reacting to all of the other dogs, people, or short people. At this point, they are more interested in other dogs than children and adults. By this time, we were ready for for sustenance.We headed for our favorite Korean restaurant, where we can enjoy Korean hot pot and still see the dogs in the car. The hot pot is so hot, both temperature and flavor that by the end of the bowl, it is still steaming. Honest. Best bi bim bob around. I have it with tofu and Brad gets it with steak, of course.
Now we are home working on chores. I weeded in the flower gardens, and Brad is mowing. It's hot and humid (who's complaining?)but all of the plants are loving it. Nothing like freshly cut grass. I found another Gracie feather. Must mean she is still here up in her nest. The dogs are now sleeping happily near me while I write this out in the screened in porch.

Notes from the family...
We had an early morning text from Ash in China. It was night there for him(about 13 hours later). He said that he was having a great time and that he and his group had just gotten back from the World's Expo. How cool is that? To get to got to the World's Expo in a foreign country. I assume that China did the Expo like they did the Olympics. Spared no expense, spared no man power to make it big.

We heard from our younger son Ben as well. He is in the Air Force, at Charleston, South Carolina. He is busy studying for a major test which he says is nothing less than all consuming. I am so proud of him. He has perseverance that I don't have. He isn't afraid of a challenge.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome video. I liked the part where all he dogs were catching the frizby except one that just watched it with a look of "who, me?"
