Wednesday, May 5, 2010

(71) Joyful Joyful We adore Thee or Ode to Joy

Happy Cinco De Mayo!

It's so great to be loved so unconditionally by my dog. In the morning when Brad lets him out of the laundry room he comes into the bedroom and greets me with such enthusiasm that it makes me smile. His whole body shakes when he wags his tail and looks up at me. Even if I am still asleep. He bumps the bed with the side of his body and when I stir he turns around and comes to where my head is and licks my hand. If I open my hand he licks it and then If I start to scratch him he lifts his head and moves it into position so that I am scratching under his chin. He is always happy to see me and he lets me know it by how he spins around and bows down ready to play. When I have been gone during the day and return home, both dogs are bouncy-happy to see me and are ready to go out into their fenced area. The thing is, when I let them inside afterwards, Beeks is almost beside himself with joy. I think that is part of the thing I love about him, he really embodies what appears to be my idea of joy. I have thought about the meaning of the word joy for a long time. Its a word that may be taken too lightly and lots of people use it to mean the same as happiness. I have thought about it because I believe joy is more than just happiness. I sometimes wonder if I have ever really felt joy. I mean I believe joy is pure, full body, in the moment pleasure. Beeks seems to enjoy every single minute that he is doing any activity, even sleeping. Full body contact,"in the moment" joy. If there ever was a dog that emits joy its Beeks, he's the dog for me. Maybe I have said this before but when he is happy he wags his tail, when he is over-joyed he wags his tail in a circle. A lady we recently met on a figure eight walk said that one of the reasons she loves her Australian Shephard is that her dog's agenda is her agenda. I think that is true with Beeker as well. Where ever I go, Beeks wants to go too,he is happy to do what I am doing and waits near me while I work at what ever I happen to be doing at in the moment. When I am finished he looks at me like he's ready for the next new activity. I have not ever seen him when he isn't happy (okay, I wrote about how I thought he was pouting when I left). When we are ready to go outside he knows by my actions, ie. putting on my shoes, jacket or whatever, and he almost jumps or twirls with excitement. When we go outside to do out walkabout(his runabout)he is so enthusiastic and happy that he has to run it out. He makes his house rounds so fast and so many that it calms him down. Then he walks in the woods or checks out the smells, but he does this with pure joy as well. Watching him be in the moment gives me a daily reason to smile. Beeks lives in this present moment and I wonder if dogs are able to live any other way. I have heard that dogs can be depressed just like people can and I believe that one of our dogs got very depressed after the death of his house mate. Most of the time however, I think that dogs are just so happy for what they have and find pleasure in what ever they are doing. Wouldn't that be a great way to spend our days? They don't seem to spend a lot of time holding much against others when things don't go their way. Beeks greets me with bouncing paws, sparkling eyes and circling wagging tail. When I see him in the morning I feel like the world to him. I am so lucky this playful wagging bundle is my dog.

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