Tuesday, May 4, 2010

(70) It was a tough Job but he had to do It

Beeker stands over Max with his rope. Just hangs his mouth with his rope over Max's body so that Max has no doubt that Beeks wants to play. As soon as Max gives any attention to him, Beeks runs off looking back to see if Max is following. He just wants to antagonize Max. Max almost never gets angry with Beeks antics. I have heard him once in a while give the significant growl that lets Beeks know that he isn't interested in the play, but usually he just ignores him. If Beeks gets ignored by Max he doesn't give up. He bows to Max, bit's his ankles or jumps up on his back. Anything to be a bother until he gets some kind of attention. My sister and I have talked about this difference between having a single dog versus having two dogs. Nice to have two dogs to keep each other occupied. On the other hand Juli says that when there is only one dog it has to find it's own sources of entertainment. Jesse James does know how to play, he is creative in figuring out ways to occupy his time (read past post for more on this).

The pictures I have posted here are for my mom. To let her know that the plants are indeed still growing, especially the Canna Lily. When we planted them, She wasn't sure if they would even come up because we planted them so deep. Well, they are really coming up and I suppose that by July we will have flower's! Oh, Did I mention I love plants?

I spent the majority of the day on the computer working on the project that continues to be a challenge. Beeks is so patient and I got a lot of it done today. However, before I got started I worked a while on the cards that I make. This is a busy time for making cards because of all of the graduations, retirements, mother's day, Father's day, birthdays and other times of celebration.That's the good part. The difficult part is not even the number of cards that I make, it is that I don't always feel like I have that creative moment. With most things creative I think that it takes me some time, like about 2 hours to get into it, to get the creative "juices" flowing and then I can really get going on something that is fun and worth doing. Problem is that I have a difficult time finding a large slot of time to devote to it. I love the process and want to do it all the time but hate to just start and then have to quit to do something else. Just another example of my moniker... "there is never enough time".

This morning on our walkabout I was walking up the driveway toward the circle and happened to look up at one of the pottery birdhouses that my mother has made for us and there sitting in the opening was a wren! I hope it has decided to make his home there. We have a number of wrens that come through here and usually one or two decide to make their home in one or another of the many birdhouses that we have hanging around the perimeter of the yard. I just love their song, more melodious than other birds. Brad just got home and we are going to take the dogs for a walk so I will finish this when we return.

Earlier after I finished with my computer work I took Beeks out into the yard with me. When I saw my neighbor across the road and took Beeks with me. I decided he needed to be at a heel and practice that oh so difficult behavior of avoiding all of the activity going on and focusing on my instructions at the same time. This was extremely difficult because he loves the girls in the hood. He did stay at a heel while we walked over and once we were there I released him. He started running around the yard and then over my neighbors newly planted garden so, I put him in a down stay. This almost did Beeks in. However he did stay for a long time while the girls rollerbladed and jumped rope all around him. At one point, on of the girls came up to him and petted him and pointed to something on the ground (she knows his penchant for sticks and bark). At this point he got up and I had to reinstruct him to down stay. I really thought this was a good exercise with Beeks. He did really terrific at this exercise and he had to follow instructions. I love unexpected learning moments like these.

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