Wednesday, August 18, 2010

(176) Heartitude and WWBD

In the Time magazine this week there was a huge article about how animals think. However,in the same magazine was a small opinion piece that also resonated with me. This article suggested that although we say we love our dogs because of their intelligence, what we really love about them is that they have heart. This argument goes back to the often deliberated and discussed philosophical argument of the superior nature of mind over heart.

I have often written that I love how smart Beeker is, how he is able to understand when I want him to come when I call, how he is able to jump through a hoop, learn new tricks. I love that he wags his tail in a circle whn he is happy to see me. I love that he is able to understand my spoken words and follow verbal commands. I think he is smart because he can figure puzzles out to get to the prize inside. I think he is very smart and I am so glad he is MY dog.

On the other hand, as the article suggests, the real reason that I love him and want him to stay in our family is that he represents all that is selfless, and caring, and nurturing. He teaches me that heart matters most. Dogs bring out the need to nurture, to care for someone else. They need to be fed, watered, let outside. They need our assistance. As well, they are loyal. They know they are needed, they stay by our side, and come when we call them because they are loyal to us. They forgive us when we are not always thoughtful to their needs over our own. Like when I leave him in the house for long extended hours when I work late and he can’t get outside. When I choose my own needs over his. Beeks teaches me forgiveness.

Sometimes we humans get too much in our own brains, thinking things through and through. We struggle to make just the right decision, the correct choice, the perfect answer. Dogs teach us to live in the present, the moment, to choose the path with heart. When I tell him to sit, to stay, he does, he trusts me. Trust is a heart filled attitude. He teaches trust. When I remember this, I am always happier, can feel my soul warming to the connection between me and the rest of the universe. Because although Beeker is an opportunistic carnivore, he does shower me with heartitude, and reminds me that I am loved and it’s easy to love as well. So maybe I can now go through life with a new mantra… WWBD…What Would Beeker Do? And see what happens.

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