Wednesday, June 30, 2010

(127) Out and About in the Neighborwood

Wasn't this the most beautiful day yet? The temperatures were in the 70’s and the humidity was low. I went to work early today and on the drive through the country I just kept thinking about how green everything was and how tall the corn is now. We haven’t even reached the 4th of July yet and I’d be the corn is 6 feet tall. With all of the technology and genetic manipulation that farmers now have available I’d bet the old adage doesn’t fit any longer. When I was a little kid we use to check to see whose knee’s the corn was as taller than on the Fourth of July. It meant that you were really one of the big kids when you were taller than the corn on the Fourth. Now it seems that in a good year its knee high by April 4th. I decided on my way to work that I should take Beeks for a walk today since it was so nice. After I got off of work I wasn’t so enthusiastic to get outside and walk. Lazy is what it was. I opened up the house to get some fresh air and a cross breeze. This let to me sitting on the back porch and not wanting to move. Don’t worry, I am a child of guilt so I eventually got my body in motion and put my shoes on (a sure signal to Beeks that we’re going somewhere). After that he physically motivates me to get a move on. Read… “Come on Come on, Come on!” By the time we returned I was glad that we went and that I had done something good for Beeks and for myself. It’s just so darn hard to take that first step. Brad and I still take the dogs walking when he gets home from work most evenings but sometimes it is just too hot and humid or he is just too late getting home and I’m already done with my day. I know that Max likes going on walks but sometimes it is just too hot for his long haired body. Beeks on the other hand needs a good walk every day and sometimes he could use even two. We had an interesting encounter on our walk. As we walk around the neighborhood we often encounter dogs barking from houses, back yards and sometimes even in yards on electric fences. Today, a dog that we have seen before and is usually in it's electronic fenced yard, came right across the road to meet and greet Beeker. Okay, this was not too much of a concern for me because it is a young lab and it was wagging its tale as it lopped out to greet us. Bodies were smelled and then Beeks started to growl in a low growl. I pulled him back away from the other dog since he had his gentle leader on. Beeks pulled back toward the lab and I thought they were going to get on friendlier terms but Beeks did it again, he growled. The lab reacted by rolling over like he should do since he was younger but I was taken aback by Beeker’s behavior. He was so rude! I’m telling you, Beeks gets along great with others at the dog parks when he isn’t on a leash and on equal terms with other dogs. He got along fantastic on the beach with all of the other unleashed dogs. But still… This and his car antics when he goes doggie nutso when he sees other dogs.
Now that I’m back home, I can relax on the back porch and enjoy the rest of the evening. I’d say it’s almost perfect. The breeze is flowing through the house and the mosquitoes aren’t getting through.

The Hawks have been making a lot of racket since I got home. Almost a "Mew". This got our attention to look in the direction of their nest. Chez sat up on top of the bench and the dogs and I just looked in the general direction. After I got back from feeding the dogs their dinner, I looked up to where their nest should be. There on the edge of the nest (yes, I can see it somehow from the porch) were four hawks! Just imagine how excited I was to watch them. The racket that I heard must have been George bringing food back to the nest for the family. All four were sitting on the rim of the nest and then one of them (white underbelly-Juvenile?) flew off to the branch we saw it sitting on yesterday morning. (click on the pictures to enlarge and view a better picture of the hawk) It’s so exciting to listen to them, and even more exciting to be able to watch them with their young! Right now they are all sitting on branches near the nest. Kind of like an after dinner family chat in the family room.

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