Wednesday, June 2, 2010

(99) Layin' Low or Time for Tea

Beeks isn’t feeling on top of the world today. He’s been layin’ low for a few days and I think he might have an ear infection. Ear infections are common in dogs and some dogs get them all the time. Dogs ear canals are shaped differently than ours and just like little children’s they are more horizontal than vertical allowing “stuff” to stay inside and not drain. Beeks likes to lick Max’s ear that sometimes gets an accumulation of dirt so the stuff certainly could get transferred from one dog to the other. I knew he was feeling punky the when we were staying overnight at my folks. During the night he kept shaking his head, which makes a flapping noise, like he was trying to get something out of his ears. He also licked a number of times, in a swallowing kind of way, which seemed like he was trying to get something out of his throat or open up his ears. Once we got home he started holding his left ear lower than his right ear and he didn’t have much energy. I know he was worn out from all of the play and travel we had done in the QCs so that alone doesn’t mean he has an ear infection. Yesterday I noticed that his left ear seemed warmer than the right one. The night we got home brad checked both dogs’ ears and cleaned them with rubbing alcohol and a cotton ball. Our Veterinarian has suggested this for previous dogs as well as Maxie for general cleaning of their ears. Although Maxie had some crud in his ear, Beeks didn’t seem to have any crud nor smell. Dogs usually but not always have a distinct smell if they are harboring an ear infection. This however doesn’t mean that Beeks does not have an ear issue it just means that we couldn’t see or smell it. After the cleaning, Brad put some drops we have for yeast or bacteria growth in both dogs’ ears. Chances are that if one dog has an infection of some sort the other one has it also.

After having said all this, here is the thing… I’m not sure Beeks has an ear infection. He may, but there is the possibility that he is suffering, like the rest of us with the high pollen count we are known for around here. When the Midwest gets rain, and warm weather it is often a great mixture for tree and crop pollen. Some dogs are predisposed to ear infections because they have allergies. I read that some breeds are more susceptible to ear infections as well. We also are known for dramatic barometric changes. Pollen causes many of us to get clogged tonsils and glands which cause coughs and other cold symptoms. We feel lousy and have little energy. This could be Beeks dilemma. Or, he could be feeling all of the pressure changes we have been having lately with thunder storms. When it is dry for so long and then a low pressure meets with high pressure we get large and loud thunder storms. This can cause extreme and painful pressure on a dogs (and people’s) ear drums. So, Beeks is feeling low and lays around the house much of the time. However, when I get my shoes on, he is there, ever ready to head outside to smell the air and eat the sweet grass. What a great companion dog. When we come inside I will have to give him some sweet potato. I bet chewing will help him feel better. Maybe some chamomile tea, it worked for Peter Rabbit.

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