Wednesday, June 23, 2010

(120) An Owl, A Bison, and a Birthday Pancake

As you remember yesterday was Brad’s birthday and so I decided to make him a birthday cake. I usually buy one if I get one at all, but this year I decided that since finances were already stretched I would be the domestic goddess that I should be and bake him one. While at the grocery store I picked up a Betty Crocker cake mix and a container of frosting (I’m not so much of a goddess that I will make my own frosting mind you) which was on sale. Then I passed the Jiffy cake mix on the shelf. I remember Jiffy mixes from my childhood and thought it simple enough (and cheaper still) that even I could handle a Jiffy mixed cake. Fast forward to the cake coming out of the oven. I made the cake correctly, it was simple but the issue is that one box equals one layer of cake so the cake became a pancake rather than a cake. No problem I thought. I will take it out of the pan and put it on a plate and it will not look so small. As I cut around the edges and let it cool I wondered if I was going to have any problem with this thin cake. It split so that about a fourth of the cake stuck to the pan and only 3 /4 of the cake came out. Damn! Oh well, I thought, I have a whole container of frosting to fix this cake. I glued it together with the frosting and then covered the whole thing with so much frosting that it was now twice as tall as before. It actually had thicker frosting than cake. Then I stuck it in the fridge to get stiffen up the frosting. Ta Da! A Birthday Pancake. This way Brad got cake for desert and for breakfast as well. That’s multipurpose thinking!

Have you tried the animal personality test yet? You can find it at:

It has given my family quite the conversation this week. We have had so many discussions regarding the accuracy of the test. Does the chosen animal actually reflect the personality of the test taker? My mother took the test and answered the questions about herself with her own naturally conservative self depreciation, which lead to her being labeled an animal that was in no way close to her naturally benevolent, loving, caring self. My sister coaxed her into sharing her animal and then assisted her to get a more accurate example of herself. When we heard this, Brad and I were on our way back from South Carolina and Brad suggested that everyone should have someone other than themselves complete the test for them. This would mean for example, that I would fill in the answers I thought would best express my sister’s personality. So I talked to Juli and then ran the test with the answers that I thought reflected her personality. Turns out she knows herself quite well. We both got the same animal she got when taking the test. Then I thought that since it was possible to alter the animal personality according to different answers that were selected, I decided to take another look at what I had chosen. The first time I did the test I came out as a Penguin. I don’t see penguins as very engaging animals. They like the cold and they are always standing around. They are kind of boring if you ask me. (my sister sees them differently but that’s another story) I decided to change a few answers to see if I liked myself better based upon the changes. I changed physical size and came out with a more engaging animal, a bison. I have been to Yellowstone NP and I have watched the bison engage with the herd and I have watched them care and play with their young. I really like bison so I am satisfied with being a bison personality. Brad answered the personality test and was content with his animal personality right off the bat (nope!). He was an Owl. I think this fits him as well. You can read the descriptions of each of the personalities on the test website. It’s fun and it sure can get the conversation going. I just don’t know why I didn’t turn up as a dog!

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