Thursday, June 24, 2010

(121) He's Been Pinked!

Finally we have received a beautiful summer day. The temperatures are in the 80’s and there is a slight breeze. The real beauty of the day is that the humidity has dropped considerably from what is has been in the past few weeks and we are able to enjoy being outside. Beeks and I spent time outside this morning on a walkabout. I surveyed the damage from recent thunderstorms and picked up a number of tree limbs and debris left from high winds.
On my way home from work yesterday, coming down the lane, GeorgeNGracie flew out from the trees and lead the way down the lane like a police escort. I loved it. The hawk flew low enough that I could see its underbelly. It was just a little reminder that the hawks are still with us and it felt good to get to see one of them again.

When we were visiting Ben and Jess last weekend in Charleston, Jessi our daughter -in law gave Beeker a small pink stuffed animal. I’m not sure what kind of animal it was but it came with the following story. We had visited Ben and Jess the previous November and during one of our drives around downtown Charleston, we turned a corner and Beeks immediately started barking at a pink stuffed display animal in a window. The display was a Victoria Secret charity or something. The animal was approximately three feet tall and four feet long. It sort of looked like a thin dog but it was in a lighted window and set Beeks off, barking at high alert. At first we couldn’t figure out what had set him off. Max was not interested in the least but Beeks stood at attention, climbing over me to bark out the window. Brad turned the corner and Beeks settled down and forgot all about the pink danger. Then just to see what was setting Beeks off and because we were looking for a parking space we went around the block. Because Charleston is a tourist city there were a good number of people walking the sidewalks. At first we all thought that Beeks had seen someone walking a dog or someone in a uniform but when we turned the corner with the pink dog in the window, Beeks stood up and started sounding the alarm again! Jessica figured out that Beeks was laughing at a stuffed pink animal in the window. This got us to laughing uncontrollably which just encouraged Beeks barking. Max joined in at that point. We were all laughing at this silly dog and at the same time I was trying to get him to stop barking which didn’t work so well.
So when Jess gave Beeks the pink stuffed animal we recounted the story and laughed at how silly Beeks had been. Here’s the funniest thing yet. Beeks loves this small pink stuffed animal. He has carried it around and he bites it but mostly e just keeps it by his side. He protects it from Max and Max sometimes takes it from him just to get his goat but Max doesn’t really want it. Beeks does. I wonder if the color is the enticing aspect of this animal. It also has a covering that is not like any of his other toys. I really don’t think it is made for dogs to chew. It has a sort of nylon covering, which when dog teeth penetrate the covering it sort of pops but doesn’t tear easily. Beeks has been carrying it around with him since we got home and he hasn’t “killed” it yet. That’s impressive for a dog that can eat a number 10 dog toy in a matter of a few days. And I mean eat in a complete way. Consume it piece by piece.
I have to admit that it is funny seeing a big dog like Beeker with a small pink animal hanging out of his mouth. I read on line that Pink is not just a color anymore, its a lifestyle. He's been Pinked! Maybe I need to go get his vest for him to wear. Well he is gender neutral at this point anyway so I say go for it Beeks!

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