Tuesday, June 15, 2010

(112) ComputerEnvy or What a Thunderstorm!

Oh, the Rain! For four days now we have had thunderstorms and so much rain. Everyday seems to bring more rain and mosquitoes than a yard needs in a month. The gullies and culverts are swollen to overflowing. Today driving to work, I witnessed a tow truck pulling a car out of a farm ditch half embedded in water. Such an ugly way to start a day. Today started out so foggy from the heat and moisture that it felt like I was back in Costa Rica. Everything is so green but muddy. We have intermittent breaks in the storm and sometimes the sun will come out making it even muggier (is that a word?) but then five hours later we are blessed with another thunderstorm and more flooding. A friend of mine told me that the school yard behind her house was so flooded yesterday she let her dogs go out and take a swim. They had a blast. I know Beeks and Max would have loved that! We haven’t been on a long walk in a few days and I’m feeling it so I know the dogs are also. I did get outside this morning with The Beekster and he got his run around. The mosquitoes were soooo bad that I didn’t even make it all the way around the yard. I think they were hatching while they were biting me. I took the picture of the hollyhock when I got home from work. It was during the little bit of sunlight we had today.

It’s so dark here right now that although it is daytime, by the looks of it, one would think it was midnight. The weather map shows we are in the midst of a deep red oval extending north and south of our area. I watch and the rain comes straight down in sheets, it is relentless. Can you imagine how GeorgeNGracie feel right now. I can tell that the dogs are antsy. Max comes to be near us and then gets up to move again. He looks out the window, then the door, watching to see if Brad will soon be home. Both dogs are starting to pant. An anxiety behavior which I can appreciate with the sound of the rain pounding and the darkness all around. We still have electricity so we are good for now. I’m calling Max up on the bed so he can be near the rest of us (Chez already found his way up here). Oh, the Rain, When will it stop? I heard the Arc was due to arrive sometime on Friday.

I think Beek’s has a computer phobia. He doesn’t like my laptop, and when I pull it out to get working on it, he cowers away from me and it, like it was something to be afraid of. I have seen this behavior (pulling back, turning around to face the other way) before. He does this same action when he is on the bed and I have called Maxie up to sit with us. (like now) It seems he knows that Maxie is dominate dog in this situation and he is fearful and respectful at the same time. Not the “curiously cautious” that Temple Grandin talks about, but more like, “oh damn, here that thing comes again, I’m outta here!” I try to coax him back, to smell the keyboard, but he is still leery of my intentions. Does he smell its evil ability to steal my focus, encompass my brain? Can he feel the electromagnetic waves coming from the computer screen? Does he view my relationship with the laptop with vengeance, or with pity? Does he see it as a rival for “our” time? Can dogs get jealous?

Beeks is settled now, a little away from me but still on the bed. Max came up when I called him, then stood, looking out the window (a view he doesn’t have from the floor) then he laid down for about 2 minutes, got up and got off the bed, to return to the front door to stand and wait for his master. The rain lightens up and Max is down again, lying on the floor, resting more comfortable. The thunder is moving away, and I can see the grey of the sky again. Another storm moves Eastward.

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