Thursday, July 1, 2010

(128) Herding & Travels & Hawks Oh My!

He did it! He did what a Cattle Dog is suppose to do and he herded our cat when Chez escaped outside! This morning I was working outside and when I went to go back inside, Chez was waiting to escape outside! Who could blame him with the beautifully cool weather we are having. Anyway, Beeks was outside with me and so I called to him, “get him!” Beeks ran toward Chez which stopped Chez right in his tracks. Then Beeks ran left and right, behind Chez which got Chez to move toward the house and stopped him from continuing on toward the woods. I was so excited. If you watch the videos of cattle dogs herding sheep or cattle, they zig zag back and forth behind them to get them to move forward in the direction that they want them to go. Just think what Beeks could do with the right sort of instruction and work out!

The J & J Barker Report
Juli sent these remarkable pictures. She and JesseJames left Cascade early this morning and headed on to Seattle, Washington. The Dog B &B really is a Bed and Breakfast where it is possible to stay overnight. I looked up to see if there was a website for the place and there is so here is the website so you too can look at this remarkable place in Cottonwood, Idaho.
Juli said that she passed Dog Bark Park on the highway and had to do a turnaround because it was so hilarious! The building is two stories and there are a number of other buildings including a gift store where the owners sell their wood carvings.
The picture of JesseJames with the red booties came from a store in McCall that is a thrift store that donates the profits to a dog charity. Since JesseJames got blisters on all of his paws he had been on restriction for the last two days of their visit to Cascade. Juli found the booties at the thrift store and decided that Jesse needed them. She reports that Jesse was not enthusiastic in the least and refused to cooperate when she tried to get him to walk, sit or lay down while wearing them. The picture is funny anyway.

Still more Hawk News
I wasn’t going to write today about the hawks continuing to chat and move about the yard, but when I looked out my kitchen window this afternoon, there on the dog fence was one of the hawks! I took the picture, but it was fairly sunny so it sort of looks washed out but you can see how close it was!

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