Monday, July 5, 2010

(132) A Cold Cup of Joe and Off We Go!

It was just beautiful to wake slowly and meet the sunshine and warm breeze. We ate breakfast outside in the screened in porch. We have been trying out iced coffee. Have you tried it? I don't mean one of those Starbucks drinks with cream and foam and other frozen drinks. I mean coffee over ice. I like mine with a little nonfat chocolate sryup. My father has been drinking it for years this way and so finally I was able to convinence Brad to try some this weekend and he decided that he could drink iced coffee if it were not his initial cup of the day. The man loves coffee but needs the FCOTD to be hot and conventional. (Read suck down luke warm Folgers).
Since it is more windy than the past few days, we decided that it was a good morning to take the dogs on a walk. It is so difficult to take Max and Beeks out in full sun because of their black coats that we usually end up taking them either in the early morning or late at night. I am so lazy that if I don’t walk in the early morning I am too exhausted to do it late at night. My bad. Anyway since we are still on holiday and Brad doesn’t have to work, we chose to take the dogs to the Prairie to walk the wooded stream path. This is one of Beeks favorite places to go, if you remember, since it has underbrush and woods AND streams to traverse. I am glad we went as early as we did because by the time we finished it was hot and a real work out. We made it to the big creek where both dogs went into the stream and got good and wet. Beeks likes to jump right in and Max followed. It helped cool them down. I’m not convinced that the water was safe to drink (of course they did)but it was moving right along so there is hope. We spent about an hour walking out and back which is just enough time to exhaust us all in this summer heat. When we got home, I pulled out the swimming pool, filled it with water and gave Beeks his annual bath. He was willing to get in the water, but as the water comes from our well, it got colder by the minute. Beeks was patient and I do think he liked getting wet. I soaped him up and hosed him down so now he has had his bath for the year! The first think he did after I was finished rinsing him off was to go to our nearest flowerbed and roll around it! I shooed him away and he shook most of the water and new dirt off. After toweling him off a little, he was ready to head inside to drink a bucket of water. He’s been sleeping all afternoon. A tired dog is a good dog! Max has been sleeping too and he will get a good brushing this evening since he picked up more than his share of burrs this morning on the trail.

From the J & J Report… I talked to Juli this AM and she said that they have been having a great time in Seattle. They have been to the dog park which is quite different than the one she is use to taking JesseJames to in the QC’s. The Dog park in Seattle is more like a whole park with lots of grassy areas and paths. Locals use the park for breed Meet Up where the dogs can socialize as well as owners can meet new people. Talk about new ways to meet, better than the internet. Juli said that while they were there, a Meet Up of Pugs started showing up and soon, there were lots of Pug dogs all around. Eric and Chelsey (Juli’s son & GF) meet a group of IG’es there as well. She said that a local told her there are more dogs than children in Seattle. I bet that’s true. Both dogs spent the evening of the fourth in the bathroom since neither one of them liked the sound of the fireworks. The sounds are so hurtful for a lot of dogs, Max and Beeks included. Max and Beeks both barked and then hunkered down close to us when they heard fireworks last night. J &J will head back to Idaho on Tuesday or Wednesday.

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