Saturday, July 10, 2010

(137) He's a Patient Pup

Beeker is such a patient dog. Here’s why. When I get up in the morning, he is happy to see me, greets me and allows me to wake up slowly without having to rush to do something, like Maxie sometimes does (“Let me outside!”). I like to read in the mornings if I am not going to work and Beeks lets me read without interruption. Sometimes I read for hours and Beeks will just lay by the side of the bed without moving. If I get up or move to the kitchen for more coffee, he is up in a flash, ready for whatever I’m going to do, like if I need help pouring more coffee or something. Then he settles down until I move to the next activity. I realized this again this morning when I spent time reading and drinking my Saturday coffee. If Beeks were another dog or one of my children, I wouldn’t be able to finish one chapter until I was needed. The thing with dogs is that they really are able to wait. I think Beeks has trust that I will give him what he needs, including water, food, outings and adventure. I’m sure he would like more adventure in his life, what dog wouldn’t. When I finally finished reading an hour later, and got up to get dressed, he jumped up, stood by the dressing room and waited until I was done. He just waited to see if I was going to take him outside (I did) but I didn’t take him on our usual walkabout since we were going to go into Champaign to check out the garage sales. When I let him out into the garage, then outside , he ran like a greyhound, around the house, then stopped back at the garage when he figured out we were just walking around the yard. He actually looked surprised. Again, he was patient when I stopped at multiple sales. He was sitting in a heated car, windows down and I know he would have rather been home running around the yard. He didn’t complain that I didn’t stop to let him run at the dog park, and he didn’t whine to get water or a bathroom break (he got neither) but he was appreciative that he got an ice cream from Mikey D’s. He sat patiently waiting while I went inside and while it took too long to get a single item. He was patient when I stopped at the garage sale that sold only pet costumes, and he was appreciative that I didn’t but him one too. When I know its time to feed Beeker dinner (to Maxie if its 5:00 its dinner time) and I’m busy, he is patient. He waits for me to finish crafting the card I’m always working on. I know I try his patience sometimes, know that he really does need to go outside and it’s been 7 hours since I paid any attention to him. And yet, when it comes to nighttime, when I’m snuggled up in bed, I call to him to get up with me, he’s right there, happy to be with me, patient when I constantly have hot flashes and move alnight like a crazy woman. He never complains. I’d swear I’ve not heard him whine, plead, or beg for me to hurry up and get with the program.

Beeker has always been good at keeping himself occupied. His favorite occupation is playing with Max and Chez, either wrestling, or hiding from each other. Or he will bring out one of his many chew toys and spend time choosing one, chewing it, choosing another one, chewing, etc until they are all out and scattered all over the floor. I still haven’t taught him to put them away, a trick my sister assures me is possible. Beeks also enjoys looking outside one of our many windows to see if there is something to bark at. He waits patiently listening to see or hear of any possible change in the environment then….Whoof, Woof, Whoof. He delights in this because it always gets Maxie up and barking as well, and it fine tunes his stalking skills. It’s the barking that usually gets my attention and gets me moving to address the dogs. So maybe Beeker is especially good at being patient and getting my attention when he really needs it. Maybe he’s better at passing the blame on others like Maxie.

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