Wednesday, September 8, 2010

(197) And Now Its Time to Say Good Bye

And now its time to say good bye. I’ve enjoyed writing for much longer than I thought possible. Sometimes it was a struggle to write something coherent and sometimes it was a struggle to think of something worthwhile to say. But I want to say thank you to those of you who did read the blog once in a while and also to those who took the time out of their busy schedules to drop a few lines in the comment section, thank you even more. We (Beeks and I ) had fun expressing some of the dog ideas we thought up and it is always an adventure getting Beeks to express himself through pictures. Now that this old dog has learned the art of blogging it is time to say good bye. Writing everyday is the best part. It encourages my brain to work hard, figuring out how best to express the ideas that constantly run through it. Now it has become difficult to think up new ideas. I truly thought finding new things to write about would not be so difficult. It is.

I love my dog, enjoy spending time with him and I think he is a naturally silly animal. He’s a player and he is determined to find others that love to play. He keeps me smiling all the time. I love our other big boy, Maxie. He’s like the under developed big kid that is naively going through life not knowing his size. There isn’t a mean bone in his body. He’s so willing to please. I just love the big wookie.

So, after 197 posts, Beeker and I say good bye, we hope you have great dog days ahead.

Thank you

1 comment:

  1. Thanks to YOU for writing 197 days in a row. I will so miss your blog with all the creative ideas and dog thoughts. You have enriched our lives and entertained us in the process. Thanks, sis.
