Saturday, September 4, 2010

(193) The Rock and the Worm

Last night was the best sleep I can remember. We slept with the windows open and the breeze was fantastic. The temps got down to the low 50’s and tonight promises to be just as cool, down into the 40’s. Autumn has officially arrived in town. All day it smelled like Fall and we have turned off the air conditioner and kept the windows open. We stayed in bed even after waking and had a “family reunion” with the dogs. Brad called Maxie up on the bed and up he came. Once on the bed, Max settles right down, taking up his half of the King size bed. I can’t blame him, he’s big and he really doesn’t like the unstable feeling he gets from the movement of walking on it. So down he goes. He’s like a rock, he doesn’t move. When I call Beeks up, he looks at me, not moving, looks at Max’s position then jumps up in a delayed reaction. When he arrives he moves right to the middle of the bed, between Brad and me, which ends up moving the cat out of his space. Chez moves to the bottom of the bed and settles for third place. (Don’t feel sorry for Chez, he gets his space back soon enough when the dogs can’t stand all of the quiet and calm, and get down from the bed.) However, for the time being, we are all snug as bugs in a rug.

We’re all quiet, calm and happy that today is Saturday and we don’t have to work, a “free” day finally. Quiet and calm until…Beeks just can’t stand it. He starts to nuzzle up to me with his nose, trying to get me to pet him. When I do, he’s satisfied, quiets down again, until I quit petting, trying to get just one more minute of shut eye. He starts nuzzling again, and we repeat the whole process until I just won’t play, so he starts in on Brad. Brad is clearly more asleep than I and Beeks has to work harder to get his point across, but he does. He flips Brad’s hand, his arm, then puts his cold little nose right on Brad’s cheek. That did it. After Brad spits awake, he pets Beeker to keep him quiet, not knowing that I have just spent the last fifteen minutes doing the same routine with him. HE’s like a worm, constantly moving. I can’t help but to think that we named him correctly, he truly is the Beeker! His nose has talent. This is a classic little kid behavior. I read somewhere that our pet dogs have the maturity of a two year old. Here is an example of how true it is. When my oldest was two, and very active, he use to get up early and I was still so tired that I would not have the energy to go into his room continually trying to get him to be quiet and go back to sleep until it was light out, so I would go and get him, bring him into my bed and tell him that we weren’t allowed to get up until it was light out. I would tell him that he had to go back to sleep and I would try everything possible to get him to be still and quiet, so that I could get a few more minutes of sleep. I would pat his back until I thought he was again asleep, or I would pretend that I was asleep so that he would follow suit. But, just as I was almost asleep myself or right when I thought he was again asleep he would touch my eye, or start bouncing on the bed. Oh, I hated not having enough sleep. I would start patting his back again, and we would go through the whole routine once more. By the third round I would be awake, and he would be ready to rock and roll again for the day. He was always a happy kid. Always ready for a new day, just like Beeker is each morning. He wakes up with extra energy. And he never slows down. We took the dogs on another long walk this morning and you can’t tell Beeker ever had one. He’s got the energy of a roadrunner! Not me, I think I could sleep for 10 hours every night AND take a nap every afternoon.

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